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Ask Tim Carter

February 2, 2004

Skiing at Perfect North Slopes

Last Friday I spent the day skiing with my dentist who is a grade school buddy of mine. We went to Perfect North Slopes in southeastern Indiana. It is the best we can muster around here in the Ohio Valley. The hill only has 400 feet of vertical fall.

To put this in perspective, most ski resorts out West have between 1,800 to 3,500 feet of vertical fall. Expert skiers laugh at places like Perfect North. Most could probably, no actually, ski down every run at Perfect North backwards.

I went to Perfect North to start training. In five weeks I will be with Michael at Big Sky Resort in Montana. It is important for me to get my ski legs back and be in as good of condition as possible before heading out to Big Sky. Each day I am doing some vigorous hiking in the woods around my house. I am starting to jog up and down some of the wooded hills to get my leg muscles ready for the workout Big Sky will undoubtedly deliver.

Skiing is so much fun. If you dress correctly you don't get cold. Last year I skied out West on two different occasions. The views from the slopes is unbelievable. It is an amazing experience that I hope one day you can also enjoy.

Posted by Tim Carter at February 2, 2004 9:44 AM

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